Masterworks Tour
July 1-13 2025
Helsinki - Tallinn - Riga - Vilnius
Tour Itinerary
More information about the Laulupidu Song Festival in Tallinn can be found HERE
Tour Pricing
The pricing below is preliminary and approximate.
We do not anticipate the final price to be different by a large amount but, ultimately, the total price will depend upon exchange rates and the final size of our group.
Payment Schedule
NOW through the end of September: Tour Deposits of $250 reserve your spot/s ($260 with a credit card at the link below or $250 by cash or check at rehearsal). Deposits are refundable until October 7th.
Financial Assistance Applications: accepted NOW through September 30th or until all funds are awarded (see next section)
Saturday, September 28th: Tour Presentation by Jefferson Packer of ACFEA
Monday, October 7th: Tour Deposits refundable up until this date
Tuesday, October 8th: Spots open to non-members (travel companions of current singers can reserve prior to this)
Monday, October 14th: Tour Payment #1 of $1200 + $250 deposit if not already paid
Monday, November 25th: Tour Payment#2 of $1200
Monday, February 24th: Tour Payment #3 of $1200
Monday, March 24th: Final Tour Payment - remaining fee (~$1200)
*Please note that deposits and payments made by credit card will be assessed a 4% processing fee to cover merchant service costs ($260 for deposits & $1248 for Tour Payments #1-3; Final Tour Payment amount and fees will be calculated when remaining costs are finalized).
Financial Assistance
Masterworks would like to make this opportunity as accessible as possible to our members. Our Board of Directors has approved a proposal to allocate up to $15k of reserve funds to provide partial scholarship funds to singers who wish to participate in the tour but who require financial assistance to do so.
Please note that available funds will be allocated at the discretion of the Executive and Artistic Directors with voice part balance, length of membership with the choir and amount of financial assistance necessary in mind.
To open a dialog with us about financial assistance, please submit a brief application on or before Monday, September 30th.
Alternate Travel Planning
Group flight itinerary coming soon. Alternate flight/travel plans may incur a fee.
If you anticipate requiring an alternate travel itinerary, our Tour Coordinator, Jefferson Packer, will work with you to discern the most cost-effective options.
Other Information
Trip Insurance: ACFEA highly recommends trip insurance whether through their insurance partner or through your own private means.
If you are interested in purchasing insurance through ACFEA, please click the button below.
If you have questions about travel insurance, please contact our Tour Coordinator, Jefferson Packer.
2025 Tour FAQ
Can I bring someone along with me on tour?
Absolutely! In the past, partners, friends and spouses have had a fantastic time on tour along with us!
Current Masterworks singers have first dibs on tour slots – and this also applies to one other travel companion of your choice. If you have more than one travel companion in mind, please contact Erin Renfroe.
If I can't walk too well, will I miss a lot?
Much of the site seeing we are doing will require some amount of walking. However, much of our itinerary will be a “go at your own pace” kind of experience. It is always permissible to skip an event if needed and free time while on tour can be spent however is comfortable for you. Concerts will be much like our usual performances – there will be chairs available for those who are unable to stand for the duration of the performances.
Do I have to share hotel rooms?
No. You can pay for a single room for some or all of the tour – it is likely there will be ample space for this, especially if you plan ahead.
Are we attending the Estonian Song Festival as spectators or performers?
We will be spectators for this spectacular event.
Aside from our flights, will we travel by train, bus or both?
We will travel by luxury bus. This enables us to experience the itinerary at a pace that matches our full itinerary rather than train timetables. It also is a more secure option for luggage, and helps keep the group together. Seeing the countryside from the large windows of the motorcoach is part of the experience.
Can I book my own flights? Can I spend longer in the area?
You may book your own flights if you so choose. However, if you do not go through ACFEA, a fee will be assessed by the tour company to offset the loss of a seat from the group flight booking. Our Tour Coordinator, Jefferson Packer, can work with you to see if he can book the flights you prefer while avoiding the fee (depending on airline and flight availability). Masterworks is not planning any official extensions to this trip.
The financial aspect of the tour makes me hesitant to commit. If I apply for financial assistance, how soon will I know if it has been granted?
We want as many singers as possible to go on tour, and we don’t want finances to get in the way more than necessary. If you apply for assistance, we will automatically hold a spot for you until the details have been worked out.
I see that the tour pricing is based upon number of participants “+3”- what does this mean?
In order to go on tour, we require three working staff members minimum to facilitate our concerts and tour logistics. The Artistic Director and Accompanist make our rehearsals and concert performances possible; the Executive Director will facilitate communication between singers and ACFEA, field unexpected issues, and ensure our contract details are honored for the duration of the trip.