Singers’ Handbook
Welcome to Masterworks Chorale! We are one of the Bay Area’s leading choral organizations, performing throughout the region since 1964. Founded by Galen Marshall and now directed by Bryan Baker, the auditioned chorus of 90-100 singers generally performs four concert sets each year, two with a professional orchestra and two more focusing on works with keyboard accompaniment and a cappella music.
Mission Statement
Masterworks Chorale inspires and engages our community through vibrant and expressive music-making. We strive to enrich the cultural tapestry of the Peninsula with diverse, dynamic programming through concerts and educational outreach programs.
We are committed to the constant improvement of our musical skills and performance presentation so that we share meaningful, enriching, transcendent musical experiences with our community/audience.
We are happy to belong to and sing with the Chorale, and find participation rewarding and worthwhile.
Caring Culture
We foster a diverse, friendly, caring, respectful, open, honest, positive, trusting, supportive environment.
Creativity and Innovation
We have the creativity and courage to try original and imaginative approaches to our music and performances, while honoring the great traditions of choral music.
Community Partnership
We encourage community partnerships with those that share similar values, and actively reach out to share our music with the broader community.
Fiscal Responsibility
We use money wisely. Funds are spent in a manner that assures the best use of our resources for our music and to assure long-term viability of the Chorale.
Rehearsals and Concerts
The Masterworks concert season runs from late August through early June with Monday night rehearsals from 7:00pm to 10:00pm. The Artistic Director begins rehearsal at 7:00pm sharp. Concerts are generally in late fall, winter (holidays), early spring and late spring. There are one or two additional week-night dress rehearsals before each concert weekend. Singer registration and music sales are conducted online prior to each concert set. Voice section rehearsals for individual voice parts or small groups are occasionally scheduled, and attendance is strongly encouraged. These special rehearsals are announced in advance and posted on the Masterworks Google calendar. Instructions for accessing the online calendar are described in a subsequent section of this handbook.
Saturday Rehearsals
The chorale gathers on a Saturday once per concert set for a longer rehearsal and potluck lunch (9am to 3pm). This rehearsal is very important in preparing for the concerts and is required. As with any rehearsal, please notify your section leader or the Artistic Director if you cannot attend the Saturday rehearsal.
Dress Rehearsals
There are one or two dress rehearsals the week prior to every concert weekend; these run from 7 to 10pm. Dates for these will be announced well in advance. These rehearsals are crucial and attendance is mandatory. If you miss a dress rehearsal, you may forfeit your opportunity to sing in the concerts (please inform Dr. Baker and your section leader of any unavoidable conflict). These rehearsals are crucial and attendance is mandatory. If you have an unavoidable conflict, please inform Dr. Baker and your section leader as early as possible.
On very rare occasions, an additional rehearsal will be called the Friday night before concert weekend; we ask that you keep your schedule flexible on those nights.
Concert apparel is not required for dress rehearsals, but please have your music in a performance folder.
Regular attendance is expected of all singers.
Please check in with staff at the front door as you arrive. If you must miss a rehearsal, please notify your section leader, the Artistic Director and the Office Manager. Contact information can be found on the online members’ roster.
No more than two absences per concert set are permitted. If you miss more than two rehearsals, you will be required to do a music repertoire check with the Artistic Director.
Black Music Folders & Concert Attire
Please follow all concert attire guidelines for performances. Use a black folder for your music, or black cover for your iPad, at all dress rehearsals and concert performances. You must make sure that your music is securely bound, that pages turn quietly, and that passages where the chorus does not sing are clipped together.
Concert Attire & Black Folder information can be found here.
Chorus Communications
Masterworks’ website is the electronic heart of the organization, where you can find information about the organization, our concerts, and links to purchase tickets. The Singers’ Access link is at the bottom right of our web site home page. This page contains practice files, the rehearsal calendar, and other useful information.
Log in information is as follows:
Username: chorale
Password: Bakers100
Subscribe to the Masterworks Calendar
The following links are for adding our calendars to your personal google online calendar on your computer and/or phone (if you have the google calendar app installed). Click the links below for the calendar you’d like to follow, and then click “Add”.
To add the MWC Calendar click here and then click add.
To add the Serenade Calendar click here and then click add.
To subscribe to the Board or committee calendars, please contact the office.
E-mail Communications
A Masterworks group e-mail is used for official chorus-related announcements including homework assignments and other reminders. New singers are automatically added to this e-mail group, as well as email lists for their specific voice section. If you do not use email, or do not check your email regularly, you may miss important information, though we do try to cover much of it during rehearsal announcements.
Our Google Groups email, called MWCBuzz, is a recommended Masterworks Chorale group used by member singers to share non-essential but interesting or fun announcements with the chorale, such as other choir performances or videos, etc. You can sign up for MWCBuzz here.
MWC eBlasts
Masterworks Chorale eBlasts are marketing announcements for upcoming concerts sent using Constant Contact. Many of us forward these emails to friends and family to promote the concert. Be sure to use the “forward to friends” link at the bottom of the page instead of forwarding the message through your personal email account or your friends may inadvertently delete your Constant Contact account.
Organizational Structure
The Board of Directors of the Masterworks Chorale Society is the volunteer fiduciary of Masterworks Chorale, responsible for guiding the organization toward a sustainable future and ensuring it has adequate resources to complete its mission.
The Board engages the Artistic Director and Executive Director to serve as the artistic and administrative leaders of Masterworks. Masterworks also employs an Assistant Conductor, an Accompanist, and an Office Manager. All positions are part-time.
Board members and non-board member singers volunteer to provide leadership and support roles on committees.
Every singer in Masterworks Chorale helps keep the organization running smoothly. Chorale volunteers provide the needed time and effort for everything from setting up risers, planning concert receptions, community outreach and much more. Choir members may choose to volunteer for specific tasks or join standing committees. Information regarding volunteer needs is announced throughout the season. For more information on how you can get involved, please contact the Executive Director.
Masterworks Chorale has no physical office, but our staff is available at rehearsals or via email.
You can find more information regarding leadership and committees here.
Dues and Other Payments
Each singer pays annual dues to participate in Masterworks Chorale. Full-time students (carrying a minimum of 12 units) are currently exempt. If you are a full-time student or need financial assistance, please notify the Director of Operations of your situation. In some cases, the dues may be modified.
Dues are $580 per year. Dues should be paid in full by the 2nd rehearsal. We accept full year, half year or single set dues. Singer dues cover major operational expenses of the chorale. Dues are not tax deductible.
Payment for each concert set’s music is not included in the dues payment. Music generally costs $25 to $40 per concert set. Music is available for purchase online by credit card, and onsite before the 1st and 2nd rehearsals. In-person payments may be cash or check.
Returning singers much register via digital form prior to the first rehearsal.
Fundraising and Annual Appeal
Masterworks relies on personal, community and corporate contributions to augment singer dues and concert income in order to sustain our organization. Donations come primarily from our chorus members and are also solicited from audience members, businesses, foundations and the community. Masterworks receives corporate donations through employee matching programs and some community foundation grants.
Fundraising is a year-round activity. The Annual Appeal runs from Fall through the New Year, and additional fundraising often happens in the Spring. Occasionally we run smaller fundraising efforts.
Chorus Etiquette
Please participate with commitment, respect, focus and professional decorum. Please do not chat during rehearsal; please do not check your phone. Please be courteous by giving our Artistic Director and Assistant Conductor your full attention.
Please do not wear scents of any kind as many singers are very sensitive to fragrance.
■ Be on time.
■ If you are late, enter quietly.
■ You are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances if possible. Singers who miss more than a specified number of rehearsals will need to do a rep check. Refer to your Admin Note for details.
■ If you must miss a rehearsal, notify the Artistic Director, your section leader in advance and the Office Manager.
■ You will be required to do a music repertoire check with the Artistic Director after more than two absences.
■ You may be denied participation in a concert if your absences are excessive or if you fail the music repertoire check.
Rehearsal and Concert Decorum
■ Come prepared with music (in black folder for dress rehearsals and concert) and pencil ready.
■ Wear your name tag to rehearsal.
■ Listen to the Artistic Director and follow all instructions, the first time. If you miss an instruction, wait until a break to follow-up.
■ Keep conversation to a minimum.
■ Do not hum or sing along when another section is being rehearsed.
■ No food in the rehearsal or concert venues except in designated areas.
■ Be present. Do not engage in any disruptive behaviors (i.e., reading, knitting, listening to the radio by earphones, taking a nap, writing letters, talking) that detract from your focus.
■ Promote a safe, harassment-free environment; see our Code of Conduct for details.
■ No perfumes or scented products.
Concert Attire
■ Abide by all of the guidelines regarding concert attire.
■ If you have questions regarding concert attire, please ask your section leader or contact the office:
■ Failure to comply with our dress code may mean you must change your attire in order to perform.
Please see the Concert Dress Code section of our Resources menu for dress code details:
Exceptions to Mandatory Concert Attire:
If you require necessary exceptions to the dress code for your personal comfort & safety, please contact the Executive Director.
Choir Leadership: Section Leaders
Each voice part within the chorus has a designated section leader. Your section leader is available for questions regarding the chorus, repertoire, score markings, etc.
Soprano 1: Lory Y. Kitamura -
Soprano 2: Charlene Kranz -
Alto 1: Elaine Quan -
Alto 2: Jacquelyn Chang -
Tenor: John Harrison - and Bill Chiles -
Baritone/Bass: Jim Hawley - and Dave Merrill -