Thanks to the generosity of friends like you, Masterworks Chorale is helping keep choral music accessible to our diverse Peninsula community.
Ticket sales cover less than 25% of our costs and your contributions truly sustain our future. Your generous gifts support the superb programming, outstanding guest artists, and vibrant community Outreach programs that are the hallmark of Masterworks’ mission and values.
Friends of the Chorale
Jerry Colombo, Inc.
Obsidian Wines
Pure Cru Wines
Putnam Family Dealerships
Schick Industrial Park
Silver Lake Technology
Wild Hog Vineyard
California Arts Commission
San Mateo County Arts Commission
$10,000 and above
Lisa Hane & Hugh Rienhoff
Jan Jensen
Gayle Riggs
Conductor’s Circle $5,000 - $9,999
Kathleen Donohue
Krista & Eric Hanson
Charlene & Rich Kranz
Katie Riggs & John Witte
Gold Baton $2,500 - $4,999
Lisa Elliott
Ed & Laurie Firestone
Lynn & Dean Harman
Phyllis Hechim
Jan Robertson
Elsa Schafer
Minako Terahira
Silver Baton $1,000 - $2,499
Laura Argento & Sally Elliott
Dave Barman & Bulaklak Miller
Katie Bartholomew
Dr. James & Elizabeth Boso
Teri Boucher
William Chiles
Victoria Chang & Douglas Davidson
John & Suzanne Farbstein
Louisa & Mark Gillett
Becky Howland
Andrea Julian
Lory Y. Kitamura
David Merrill
Polly Moore
John & Diane Musgrave
Ben Regner
Fred Sandsmark & Angela Brassinga
Jessie Simpson LaGoy
Margaret Staphorsius
Aleli Stok
JD Vogt
Jan Watson
Karen Williams
Dorothy Wurlitzer
Benefactor $500-$999
Cheryl Blalock & Randy Schlesinger
Jacquelyn Chang
Senta Colombo
Geoff Dottery
Lauren Estes
George Gardiner
Patricia L. Griffin
Richard Gross
Jan Hardy
Suzanne & Anthony Hom
Bill Howland & Leslie Rose
Susan Lasswell
Arthur Mahoney
Peachin Family
Elaine Quan
Robert Rosenberg
Pina & Jim Royer
Philip Sankar
Elizabeth Tough
Karen & Dominic Vitale
Patron $250-$499
Yoshiko & Takeshi Amemiya
Linda Andrews
Margaret Berlese
Barbara Chang
Claire Giovannetti
Bill Howland
Bruce & Joyce Huston
Laura Iraci
Walter Knoepfel
Pam Lampkin & Bob Zipkin
John & Mary Latham
Nancy Lewis
Katherine & Glenn Lipka
Linelle Marshall
Monica May
Sean & Heidi McQuay
Celina Mikolajczak & William Reeves
Inara Morgenstern
David & Debra Bubenheim
Ben Wu
Mary Ziegenfuss
Donor $100 - $249
Carolyn Alexander
Alice Aronow
Joel Berger
Virginia Bogios
Kathy Catanho
Terri Cook
Donna Croxford
Justine Drennan
Virginia Ellis
Mary Farfaglia
Linda Fontana
Virgina Fontana
Brian Frasca
Roger & Joyce Frasca
Jeb & Lingyee Gibney
Hillel Hachlili
Robin & Rolf Hansen
Carl Harrison
John Harrison
Mary Hawker
Margaret Herzen
Suzie Hilgeman
Louise Hom
Caryl Hughan
Julie Johnson
Lisa Kelly
Rosemary Kenney
Ronnie Sue Leith
Lynette Lew
Gayle Lieberman
Terris Linenbach
Leanne Linquist
Meg McGinty
Marianne Mollenauer
Bruce Moore
Regina Neu & Bob Thompson
Christine M. Niccoli
Gari Patton
Sandra Pecoraro
Gail Piestrup
Elena Powers
Leslie Ragsdale
Cheryl & Honore Renfroe
Jorge L. Reyes
George Saba
Gary Stein
Jodee Steiner
Ann & Don Swinehart
Lisa Thomas
John Upton
David Vallerga
Paul Wendt
LouAnn Wiend
Doris Witte
Phyllis Wright
Felicia Yang
Masterworks is grateful for your contributions and we make every effort to ensure our donor list is accurate.
The list above includes contributions to our most recent Annual Appeal campaign as well as contributions to our special 60th Anniversary Gala fundraiser.
If your name has been omitted or is inaccurately listed, please contact us.
The Legacy Society honors very special friends who support Masterworks with planned gifts. These extraordinary gifts, to be made in the future, give substance to our current activities and ensure that the Chorale will have a bright future. For more information, call (650) 918-6225 or email
Please join us in recognizing and thanking these visionary members of the Legacy Society. If you have included Masterworks Chorale in your estate plan, please let us know so we can acknowledge your generosity.
Terri D. Homer, M.D.
Jan & J. Peter Jensen
DB Spahn
Lory Y. Kitamura
To become a Friend of Masterworks, simply make a donation of $100 or more.
Masterworks is a 501(c)(3)
EIN 942901785
View our Guidestar profile.